Funding is awarded to Italian-Canadian community groups of Quebec based on the following criteria:
The organization must be a registered charity/not-for-profit organization.
The organization’s field of interest must be in one or more of the following domains:
​Health & services, Italian Language, Youth, Seniors, Italian-Canadian Culture and Heritage.
The organization must be accountable to the community through a locally elected Board of Directors.
FCCI generally does not consider requests:​
For research, unless linked directly to activities in the areas of Health services, Italian Language, Youth, Seniors, Italian-Canadian Culture and Heritage.
From privately owned institutions or individuals;
Involving partisan political activities;oInvolving religious purposes or activities, although this does not exclude giving to churches or religion-based foundations.

General Support Grants
To help finance the full range of an organization’s day to day activities
FCCI will support organizations that:
help the local Italian-Canadian community in one of the following areas: Health services, Italian Language, Youth, Seniors, Italian-Canadian Culture and Heritage.
provide vital programs and services to the local Italian-Canadian community in need.

Project Grants ​
To enable community groups to implement new initiatives that will help them increase their ability to respond to community
FCCI will give priority to projects that:
respond to an identified challenge, issue or unaddressed need;
are developed, implemented and measurable within a specific time period;
enable the purchase of equipment needed for project success.
will increase organizations’ ability to respond to community issues as they arise.
Sponsorships ​
Related to funding events or activities planned by a local Italian-Canadian community organization
FCCI may sponsor events and activities that:
will benefit organizations that fulfill the needs of the local Italian-Canadian community
were held with the goal of raising funds for a local Italian-Canadian community organization.